Watch the documentary film shown on PBS and FNX stations across the country that was produced as part of the Women's Voices Project .
Inspired by an indigenous teaching that states, "There won't be peace on earth until the voices of the grandmothers are heard," this documentary film about grandmothers' wisdom and the book set out to find out why. In interviews with grandmothers and elders from Siberia to Patagonia, "The Wisdom of the Grandmothers" provides a powerful testimony to the importance of the voices of elder women in today's world. Love, community, creativity, family, faith and spirituality, respect and caring for our Mother Earth are just of a few of the important topics shared. Watch the movie here or on YouTube and enjoy the extended interviews online.
A testimonial for our film!
Ingrid Gardenia reacts to a film screening.
The documentary film Indigenous Prophecy Today is a universal call for humanity to change its relationship with the earth and with indigenous cultures. Alaskan author, filmmaker and producer Susan Stark Christianson documented important stories that have traditionally guided indigenous and aboriginal cultures. Compelling interviews with elders from the Tlingit, Amara, Hopi, Shinto, Mayan and other culture bearers from Alaska, Australia, Japan, Central and South America and tribes across the United States, document creation stories, prophecies, indigenous wisdom and warnings given to humanity and call people to find ways to live with greater respect for the earth and for each other. Watch some of the unedited interviews here while we work on editing the rest of the interviews and the film. We don't want to wait to get this wisdom out in the world.
When our agreement with PBS ended and when we sold out the DVDs we had produced, we decided to make all our products available free online. Your support and contributions, however, will enable us to meet our future goals and continue to spread the words and the wisdom of the grandmothers. If you enjoyed our film, please know that any donation, no matter how small, will help us grow and continue.
The Women's Voices Project is a registered non-profit corporation in Alaska. We are working to gain national 501c3 non-profit tax exemption status.
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